Leaders Meeting

Shane Willard

Now this is so important. One of the three primary scriptures in the Torah that the Jews focussed on is Deuteronomy 6:4. It's called the Shema and it just says this. They would do this morning, noon and night: Hear, O Israel, the Lord your God, the Lord is one, ahad. Ahad - so that the Lord is unity inside diversity. He is compound unity okay, He's compound unity alright, so unity inside diversity. So God is ahad. We are made in the image of God alright, so if God is unity in diversity so are you, and everything about you is unity in diversity. Think about it, you're three in one right? You're spirit, soul, body, and each individual part is its own individual part. At the same time each individual part affects the others. If you get depressed does it affect your physical body? Yes, you lose your appetite, you sleep more, this, that and the other okay, so if you get sick in your physical body does it affect your soul? Yes, absolutely.

Then each individual part is ahad, for instance how many parts are in your body? Thousands and thousands and thousands and if only one part gets sick it affects the whole body, for instance have you ever had kidney stones? Anybody ever had kidney stones? You have. Did you go to work that day? [No.] You wimp, what's wrong with you? It's just your kidney, a stone about that big right? It's just like that. You ever had pneumonia? Anybody had pneumonia? [Yes.] Did you go to work that day? What's wrong with you? The whole rest of your body's healthy, just that one little part is filled with fluid and you can't work, you wimp? [Laughter] Like what's wrong with you? Why? Why is this? It's because your body is ahad; it's a lot of different parts but they all affect one another. Your soul is ahad. Your soul and your body react ahad. The universe, the Bible says this, that God holds the universe together. God holds the universe together [unclear 00.24.42] this is just transitive property.

If God is ahad and God is holding the universe together, then ahad is one of the forces that holds the whole universe together. This is true. The relationship between ocean temperatures and climate, the relationship between - there's a guy, I can't think of his name - but he came up with and found what they call the Butterfly Effect. Do you guys know what the Butterfly Effect is? It wasn't just a movie. The Butterfly Effect was a guy that was studying meteorological patterns and what he did, he was at MIT which is the top engineering school in America. He created an algorithm for wind pattern and he was playing with it on a computer program. Well the long and the short is, the story goes that he went into his algorithm one day and he was in a hurry and he left off the final three decimal points. So you've got to understand his algorithm, let's say - I don't remember the actual number but it was something like this: [unclear 00.25.45] okay. So something like this and when he got in a hurry he left those three numbers off, he just typed in that. And so he left and he came back an hour later and what he found was that the effect of those numbers being left off in the wind patterns had dramatic climate devastation 100 miles away. So they asked him, they said well what does that mean? He said well what it means is those numbers in terms of wind is the equivalency of the wind that is created by one puff of a butterfly's wings, he said so the logic goes if a butterfly puffed his wings in the wrong direction at the wrong time it can cause catastrophic effects 100 miles away in weather patterns, so he coined it the Butterfly Effect, the Butterfly Effect. That's ahad.

Do you realise how ahad the universe is, when God has to keep His hands on the direction of the butterflies' wings? That's ahad. That is holding the universe together. If the world quit spinning on its axis properly we'd all die very quickly, like these are all ahad ideas. Now listen, ahad is the force that's holding the universe together, unity in diversity is holding the universe together. Listen to me. When the universe faces an ahad breakdown the universe starts to break down. When your body faces an ahad breakdown, your body gets sick and you get disease, this kind of thing. Listen, if the universe cannot handle a breakdown of ahad this church doesn't stand a chance. You with me? [Yeah.] When the universe - like if the ahad of the universe starts breaking down you would have catastrophic effects, catastrophic effects and this organisation, as good as it is, is nowhere near as strong as the universe. If the universe cannot handle a breakdown in ahad then this church won't stand a chance. The organisation won't stand a chance.