Identifying Your Spiritual Territory (2 of 6)

Mike Connell

The next thing we learnt was that we could stir our soul and we stirred our soul by meditating and focussing and we stirred our soul by confessing the word of God and speaking directly to our soul. Now I want you to remember that experience, that you woke up your body, woke up your soul and stirred up the anointing within you and it only took you a few minutes - and you did it. You can do that every time and any time, wherever you are and the more you practice the quicker and easier it is to slip into that. You break out of passivity, you break out of heaviness and you notice that we found not only did the energy begin to flow in us, but the atmosphere around us shifted as well. So what happened? Suddenly there's something different there. How many can feel there's a presence of God here now? See, quite different.

Now you have to shift what's around, in order to be able to bring the presence of God in, so it's like this. It's like if my spirit is already connected to heaven, the problem with heaven coming to earth is in my soul and my body - so if I just take dominion over my soul and body, and in my heart believe the spirit of God will flow, I can give voice and God comes into the room. We're not having to wait for anything to happen. We actually bring God into the place, otherwise you're thinking like here I am on earth trying to make my way up into heaven to get near to God, rather than say I'm already connected to God; I've just got to let what is within me find expression in the earth, so the spirit of God can flow - not trying to break through to God, I'm trying to break through the resistance in my body and soul, and the spiritual atmosphere, to express what I already have.

We are already seated in heavenly places. We are already joined to the Lord, one spirit to the Lord. We're already connected into heaven. You don't have to fight your way to get there. Jesus got you there. What you've got to do is find a way to break the resistance for that truth expressing through your life. How many found that helpful? Remember, it's about your thinking, so when you stand to think, if you think oh here I am - you see when your spirit gets shut down by your body and soul, you become very self-conscious and not God-conscious. Your soul and body are causing it. Now if I would just change my thinking and set it on the word of God, set it on the truth, I'm actually in heavenly - I'm in the spirit world already, I'm already connected to God, I'm already ONE SPIRIT WITH THE LORD! [Prays in tongues] Bless the Lord, O my soul - now you see immediately it comes alive. But you have to practice until it becomes natural and normal and it's easy, see? Shall we do it one more time?

So we're just going to quote that verse again - you can go on quoting if you like, then we'll pray in tongues for a bit and let's notice what we find in the atmosphere and around. Then I'll show you something else you can do in tongues straight after that and you'll find it'll be quite different again. Ready? Okay then, so what are we going to do? We'll just quote the verse - ready, Psalm 103, Verse 1 - Bless the Lord, O my soul; all that is within me, bless His Holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all my diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with glory and honour, oh Halleluiah. [Prays in tongues] Thank You Lord. Okay, just stop now.

Now I want you to just do something a little bit different now. Now we know when we pray in tongues the spirit of God is praying through us. What I want you to do now is, just use your language in tongues as a language of devotion and adoration. Now we're not going to pray strongly, assertively, forcefully. We're going to pray tenderly, and fix your mind that Jesus Christ is right there before you, you're in His presence, and so you're just flowing from your heart to just love Him. Feel as you do that what happens, and what happens in the atmosphere. Let's just pray for about 30 seconds and just give yourself to loving Him, and expressing through this heavenly language how precious, how special, how wonderful He is for all He has done, the privilege of walking with Him, the privilege of being His representative, the privilege of serving Him. Let's just honour Him just as we speak in our language now. [Prays in tongues] Yes Lord, oh we love You Lord. We love You Lord. We love You Lord. We honour You Lord. We worship You Lord, yes, halleluiah.