Who is Jesus (3 of 4) Sovereign King

Mike Connell

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Associated with that, there is a way of ordering our relationships. The husband is the head of the wife. We may not understand what it means, and how to outwork it, but it's an order God set in place that the spirit world operates under. God has set things in order. He's set principles in place for us to govern our life, principles for your finances. Now the problem is, we get saved in a democracy, we come into a kingdom, and then don't understand there's a major reformation needed in our thinking, to change our lifestyle, to live as a kingdom person - and there's a reason for that as we'll see shortly. Here's another thing too about this kingdom, is that Jesus has absolute standards in His kingdom. Now the liberals and humanists don't like these absolute standards, but the kingdom of heaven has absolute standards: lie/truth; holiness/uncleanness. There's absolute standards in His kingdom, and this is the issue that humanism has brought, is to dilute down absolutes until you're wishy-washy, and it's: well I feel this, and I think that in this circumstance, this in that circumstance, all this whole area of humanistic thinking.

There are absolute standards, for example God makes it very clear if you just read - here's an interesting example - if I just read in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 6. I'll just read a little bit of a verse, look at this - Verse 9 - He says: do you not know the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom? Be not deceived. In other words don't get this one wrong. Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals, sodomites, thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers, extortionists; none of them will inherit the kingdom. It's simple. If you're doing those things, you won't inherit things in the kingdom, it's as simple as that. In other words God has some clear absolutes, that we don't negotiate over to suit ourselves. There are non-negotiables in the kingdom.

Finally here's the last one - you'll love this. He has the power to call all men and all nations to account for what they did. He has got the power. Just because you haven't seen Him exercise it, doesn't mean He doesn't have it. He has as sovereign king, the right and the power to call every person, every government, every nation to account, and He will do it. That's an interesting thing. In Revelations 20, Verse 12: I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God, and the books were opened. And all were judged, small and great. The President of the United States, the Queen of England, it doesn't matter who you are, everyone gives account, so that is the nature of a king in his kingdom. Now let's go and have a look here and see how Jesus is revealed in Revelations 19, and I want to give you some simple ways that you can just respond to this revelation. Getting the idea?

Revelation 19, okay, first of all I saw heaven open, so John is getting a vision. He's getting revelation from heaven, about something that has not yet happened, and he said: I saw a white horse, and someone sitting on him. So the first thing you see is His transport. Now don't look and think of horses; think back there if someone was on a white horse, they were a military commander and they were on their way to a battle, so probably if we were to put it in today's language you'd say: I saw an F15, It was armed to the teeth, and He was sitting there driving it! That's probably more the language that we would have, and so the first thing you see is the white horse, it's a military picture of a conquering king, so when Jesus returns, He will return as a triumphant king to conquer the world, to subdue the world. That's got to be good news hasn't it? He's coming to subdue it.