Strengthening Your Spiritual Life (5 of 6)

Mike Connell

One of them is, if you've ever had teaching that was anti the Holy Spirit. That creates a blockage around your life from receiving, because the words that have come sit in your life, and the moment you come to receive, they come back to life and they actually stop you. So it's important if we've ever been exposed to teaching where people taught against the baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, that you actually renounce that, because it creates a barrier to receiving. Getting the idea? So I know that people that have been in those situations, they often have a block, because the moment they come to pray their old teaching comes up and argues against receiving, so there's no flow from their spirit to respond to faith.

Another or a third common factor that people have in not letting go to flow into the language of tongues is strong cognitive control over their life. So when a person has shut down the emotional dimension of their life, and shut down that right-brain aspect, the creative aspect, and just lives out of logic, and lives out of reasoning, and lives in their mind and thoughts and is disconnected from the heart, then this often is a major block to flowing with the spirit, because the moment you come to pray, you're back in your brain trying to work out what to say, and analysing everything that's happening, instead of actually letting go control, which is effectively what's happening, and just saying: God, I just surrender. I let my heart, my inner man just express it's love for You through this new language. It's literally the control of your mind has to let go, and allow the flow from your heart and spirit to just emerge.

I've found for me it was a little bit of a difficulty. I got filled with the spirit dramatically and quickly, but then my mind would actually consciously argue. It would reason. I'd be praying in tongues, and I could feel the joy rising up, and then the mind arguing, arguing, arguing. It's like a lawyer [laughter] argues, reasons everything away. So strong cognitive control in your life, or blocks to the emotional area, can stop the flow from within your heart, because the language of the tongues is a flow of the Holy Spirit, in your spirit, flowing up outwards through your life. So if you can just surrender control and let go of that area and relax - sometimes people find that when they're in the shower they relax more, and they're able to get going into flow in the gift of tongues, but everyone's got his own way I guess.

But we want to just pray for people to be filled with the spirit and just get a breakthrough today. We'll just see what the Lord will do, but if you could just approach it really simply in harmony, God, I don't want to be held back any longer. I don't want any blocks. I'm just coming to You right now and I'm letting go what any wrong teaching, any control over my thoughts, I'm just letting it go to You. I'm just going to worship You in all Your beauty, and I'm going to let my mouth speak this new language which You give me. Amen - so we'll do that then. So what we'll do is we'll just make it a little easier for everyone, rather than everyone being conscious of themselves, so we'll get those who would like to be specially released in this area, why don't you come and just stand around me just in the front. The rest of us all come around and stand around you, so just firstly those who haven't got a breakthrough in their life, if you'd like to just quickly come, just come up to the front here.

So if you just make room for people to come through, just come and stand facing me. You're not facing the camera, that's the one, there we go. [Laughs] Okay, there we go, good stuff. Okay, come on now, that's right. We got everyone here? Righto then, now what I want is for everyone else to come around, surround them. We're going to just love them, and be together and believing God for this release today. Okay, just bring everyone else up, that's right, that's the way. Close your eyes and make everyone vanish. That's the simplest thing, make everyone vanish. If you're thinking about other people, or about yourself, you won't let go. Alright then, now Lord, I'm just asking right now that You would just help. We need Your help. Some Lord have been prayed for before, and they haven't had a breakthrough, and we don't know why, so we ask Lord if there's any reason for there being a blockage, that almost immediately You will bring it to their mind right now.