House-Cleansing - Ministering to one another (6 of 6)

Mike Connell

Page 9 of 12
Okay then, the person receiving prayer, lift your hands up, turn your eyes towards the Lord just to receive from Him. It's not important who's ministering to you, it is important your heart is open to the Lord to receive from Him. Now the person doing the praying, remember what Jesus said: if you will say to the mountain, be removed, and not doubt in your heart that what you say will come about, you will have what you say. You are going to say 'power'. You are going to speak a word of power into this person's life, so I want you just to pray quietly in tongues. [All pray in tongues] Let your mind settle that God is inside you, the mighty God that created heaven and earth lives inside you. [Prays in tongues] On the count of three - three, two, one - [POWER!] Whoa! That was a good idea, a chair, well done! Good thinking. [Laughter] Well done. Need to do that more - do it at home with the bed. [Laughter] Whoa - over you go! [Laughter]

Okay, change around. Change over. [Laughter] Okay, whoa, glory to God! [Laughter] Yes, indeed. [Laughs] Alright, now remember, when you're doing this, you're extending your faith to believe that God will flow through you, like a mighty river. Are we ready? So person catching, put your hands up and wave, tap the person on the shoulder so they know you're catching, okay. Person receiving prayer, lift your hands up and wave - good on you. Look up and close your eyes - whoa, you be careful with Leon - His sister will be on to you. [Laughter] Okay, are we ready? So those who are ministering, put your hand lightly on them or touch them somewhere, begin to pray in tongues, and you are believing that as I speak the word, this power of God will flow through me. They will be touched. They will be touched, because the power of God will flow. I have confidence God will work through me. Thank You Lord. [All pray in tongues] Three, two, one - [POWER!] [Laughter]

Awesome, well done! Woops - how are you doing? [Laughs] Careful with these fellas. [Laughter] Okay, wonderful.

[Female speaker 1] I was just going to say that it's - what I thought was, it's not really hard believing that Christ is in me, and realising that the words are what releases it. You know what I mean?

[Pastor Mike] Yes, it's Jesus' words, yes.

[Female speaker 1] So forget about you...

[Pastor Mike] Yes.

[Female speaker 1] ...and just realise that the power...

[Pastor Mike] Is of God.

[Female speaker 1] of God.

[Pastor Mike] Okay, great, you've got it. You've got it. Alright then, we'll stop for a moment. Okay, remember we have this treasure, Christ in an earthen vessel, that the excellency of the power may be of Him, and not of us, so you've got to remember, it's not about you trying to make something happen. The moment you think I've got to make something happen, you now are trying in your own strength. There's no flow of anointing. You have to realise, I'm just a channel of the Holy Spirit; it's the glory, it's the goodness of God flowing through me, and He comes through me, one, when I believe; two, when I speak. It's Him, and His power. It's not you, and your words. That's just an expression externally for it to happen, but He won't work except He works through you, so your part is crucial. I hope you would see, even from our examples before, how even just the thinking in your mind going off just a little bit can shut the power down.

The moment you think I'm not good enough, it's over, there's no power going to flow, because see that thought, if you hold it and agree with it, means I'm not connected to God. It's all about me. Do you see what I mean when I said that the devil will try to get you disconnected, so you're out of positioning? That's why taking scriptures, meditate on my positioning with God, is crucial for moving in the spirit. I've got to know where I stand, and the moment it comes up as a problem is when you try to pray for someone, because you think it's about you, you centre on you, and your spirit closes down, and the anointing stops. Alright then, we're going to try it one more time. I want you just to listen again. We're going to do it a little bit differently this time, and I want you this time, instead of saying the word 'power' - I was just getting you used to speaking strongly. This time I want you to realise, it isn't actually about your words. Your words are one way of expressing.