Let the Kings Arise (2 of 4)

Mike Connell

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If you live out of circumstances, feelings and experiences, when they turn bad you'll sink. You have to build your life on revelation and on the word of God so in the storm you keep your perspective. You keep sound in your mind. Storms come to fill you with fear so your faith goes. Notice what Jesus said; they were so filled with fear, He said you've got no faith. In other words the storm and circumstances when they focussed their attention off it caused them to forget the assignment that they had and what happened then? They got filled with fear, they began to doubt the word of God. Then they began to accuse Jesus; Jesus, you don't care about us. They began to blame Him; you need to help us. They're thinking not like a king, they're thinking like a victim, someone powerless in something they can't control. What it exposed was their thinking. What it exposed was their faith levels. Listen, you can be in the middle of meetings and God's doing stuff and still develop no faith.

Faith is built on hearing and responding to the word of God, of getting God's word into your own heart and life. Otherwise you can be in a great meeting, have a great experience and the next day your boat's sinking. The key thing is what did God say to you and are you pursuing it? And if there's a storm what is coming up in your life in the face of that storm? If you're a king you'll arise and assert your dominion. If you're a victim you'll say oh, help me Jesus, I'm sinking, wah wah. Who's stupid idea was it to put us in the boat?

Come on. Jesus was so unconcerned He was asleep. Why was He so unconcerned? Because He absolutely knew He was going to the other side. He'd heard from the Father. He had revelation. He's a king. That's why He's acting like a king - He's sleeping unconcerned about the circumstances. Not only that; He expected them to act like kings. He expected them to act like He would and He had and stand up and do something. He expected them to do what? He expected them to stand up and speak to the demonic storms and exercise kingly authority. I'll develop this another time, but kings make decrees and assert dominion aye? So what happened? It says Jesus rose up and He spoke directly into the storm and told it to be quiet. The word is He commanded or He legislated or He set a divine decree. What you understand is He used His power of words. He used words filled with faith to shut down the demonic storm and calm the circumstances down. There was a great storm, then there was a great peace. What changed it from a great storm to a great peace was a king standing and speaking into the storm, speaking the word of God into the storm, not doubting in His heart.

He said you have the faith of God or faith like God you'll speak to the mountain, be removed! I can't understand why so many Christians have such quiet voices when there's so many things you need to speak strongly and firmly - be removed! See? There's a reason for this. Kings decree, they don't beg. They don't plead, they don't entreat. Kings stand up and speak the word of God. You were here on this earth as a king. You have to learn how to speak God's word over your circumstances, speak God's word over your marriage, over your personal life, over your finances, over your family.

The Bible says the world we see were framed or constructed by God having a dream and speaking a word. We, when we operate in faith, must learn how to do the same thing. Father, in Jesus' name I declare today everything in my day shall work together for good for me. I declare in Jesus' name things come into divine order. I receive revelation today. You've got to learn how to speak the word of God over your life, calling the things to be not as though they are. That's how kings operate. That's how kings pray. Kings speak over their life, speak over their circumstances. They take dominion over spirits.