The Two Kingdoms (5 of 8)

Mike Connell

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So tonight, during the meeting, if you start to become agitated, it’s possibly an evil spirit. If you start to feel deep fear inside - it’s not you, it’s the spirit. It’s afraid, because it knows what’s happening. If you start to feel very angry inside - it’s not you, it’s the spirit, very angry, because it sees what’s happening. If you suddenly feel: “I don’t like that man, I want to kill him”- that’s definitely a spirit. We don’t worry about that. We believe that Jesus will set people free. So if you become agitated during the meeting, then you come up to the front; and we will minister and pray for you. Amen? Amen.

So Lord we welcome You to come tonight. We welcome You to come in power tonight. Holy Spirit we invite You to come into this meeting. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I speak to every evil spirit present here tonight: you are subject to my authority, in Jesus’ name. When I command you, you will manifest your presence, and come out of people. Lord we thank You tonight for Your presence to touch people. Amen.

Let’s just pray for a few people, and I want us to just enjoy the presence of God. Don’t put your hand up for me to pray for you. Just let me point you out and pray for you. I just want to listen to the Holy Spirit, and as I listen to the Holy Spirit, He will show me who or what to pray for. Ok?

Let’s have a look around and pray for someone. Can I just pray for this girl just here? Just come. Thank you Lord. God knows all about our lives, and His presence is here tonight. Praise the Lord. Thank you Lord. Lord touch her tonight. Just close your eyes. Now, God’s presence is very near, and when we open our heart to Him, even though we can’t see Him, His presence can just come on us. Just touch us like that. Presence of God is here.

So people just suddenly feel God’s presence come - it’s a good feeling. Sometimes people laugh, sometimes they weep. God touches people in different ways. “Come and touch her Lord. Release Your joy into her life. Don’t block it. Laughter is good for you. It’s good for all of us. What did you suddenly feel?” “She’s really happy.” “Did you really feel happy? You want more?” “Yeah.” “Spirit touch you.” “Come. Touch you even more.”

“You want what she had? Close your eyes, and it’s like you just open your heart. Presence of God just comes.” The spirit world is very easy for us to reach into. It’s very easy for us to connect with God. God is not a long way off. God is very close; and when we open our heart, His presence comes to touch us.

So, we can’t see God, but His presence is here. This is a great church. This is a church that worships, a church that prays, and the presence of God is here. The Bible says that the kingdom of heaven, that’s the realm where Jesus Christ is King, is a kingdom with peace and joy. A kingdom where there’s joy, where people are free. “

So, it’s wonderful to know that we have an open heaven where God can help us. Some of you tonight have very deep problems. You have some things that are really troubling you. God wants to help you tonight. He’s willing to help you. All we have to do is extend faith towards Him. Jesus said: according to what you believe, it will be done to you. So when you come for prayer, always come expecting God to touch you. Come expecting something to happen. Expect God to minister to you. Amen.

So when we pray for people, you’ll feel the power of God come on you, and if there’re spirits inside, they may manifest. They may stir. So, at the end of the evening when we pray for people, I’ll lead you in a corporate prayer to reach out to the Lord. Extend your faith for Jesus to touch you. It’s not about me, it’s about Jesus. When you extend your faith towards Him, He will reach out to touch you.

Now, there’s someone, a woman down here; and the Lord shows me that you have been having nightmares almost all of your life. You have these recurring nightmares that wake you up, and you feel fear when you wake up. In fact, many times you have a light on, because you don’t like it in the dark. Who’s that woman that has that problem? That’s a spirit causing that problem. There’s a woman somewhere in front of me here, and you have this problem. God bless. Just please come.