Legacy (1 of 4)

Mike Connell

You've got to take the legacy. I can share with you what God has in this house for you; but your part is to receive - position yourself to get it; and grow it; and make it become your own.

I look at Pete Kirsten, who was in our church in Dannevirke - and now he goes out with his wife, and he carries strong faith; prophetic flow; and healing in the heart - he carries lots of things. He carries something that goes out into the world. Are they busy doing something in the church? No - because they've got a call into the world, to shape something in nations.

Sandy's up there now in the Philippines, where there's been the big storms. She's ministering up there to people in trauma. They have something to give - but you've got to learn to receive and build.

Here are some of the core things that got built into our lives; and they were built a certain way, they came a certain way.

1) Strong worship and praise; and 2) love for the presence of God. Wherever we go, I'm concerned about the presence of God, and about strong praise and strong worship. This is very high value - and it was built in. Our church has highly valued worship, and the flowing of God; strong prayer, strong and fervent prayer.

I learnt that - It became a part of my life. I got into prayer meetings where people prayed for an hour - and I could only do three minutes and I was gasping - but I stuck with it and learnt. We got it ‘built into us’ to pray strong prayer.

3) Hearing the voice of God become a vital truth. It was imparted - I've learnt how to hear the voice of God; not only how to hear it, but actually how to share with others how to hear it. So that's taking it from: hearing it myself; to actually knowing how to tell, and train, and minister to others. Hearing the voice of God is a crucial part - how can you do God's work, if you don't hear what He's saying?

4) The prophetic ministry. The first thing that I came into was the prophetic ministry. I look back, and every minister I was ever under was: prophetic; hearing the voice of God; or operating in the supernatural. I never served under any ministry that wasn't operating in the supernatural.

That's why the supernatural, the presence of God, hearing the voice of God, worship, praise, prayer; this is why this is important - because we paid a price to build it into our lives. You get the benefit of it, but don't necessarily understand that certain things that were built over time, that have been built into our lives - that's what's flowing in the house.

5) The ‘Father’ heart of God. I got revelation of God's father heart, of His immense love; and now wherever I go in the world, I carry the ‘father heart’ of God.

6) The whole area of kingdom authority, and rewards in eternity is one of the key drivers and motivators in our life. That's an invisible thing, because you don't see that, and I haven't talked a lot about that; but I'll show you that legacy is made up of firstly internal things - the drivers and motivators that make you do what you do, and get you going.

Also the external, which is the ministry - people see the ministry, and eat the fruit of your life - but they don't always know what motivates you to be that kind of person. You can eat the fruit of our ministry; however you need to know what motivates the kind of life, and values, and choices, that undergird being able to carry that.

Many people we've seen over years, they receive something, but they either can't hold it; or they fail, and fall, and go off the rails - because they haven't built a life with God, to hold what God wants to put in them.

That's why Jesus said: “Follow Me” - pursue Him – “I will make you...” I'm going to grow you. My desire is that you influence people, through the power of My Spirit, and the nature of My Spirit - but some things have got to come off your life.

You've got to change and shift and grow. You've got to deal with some stuff. You need to shift, but you don't have to wait until you've shifted to do something. Start now, and on the journey I'll grow you.