Our Legacy in Christ (4 of 4)

Mike Connell

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Here's the thing: it's pleasurable, because it provides a release from the pressures of life. The Bible says: “Don't be filled with wine, wherein there's excess, and all kinds of bad behaviour. Rather be filled with the Holy Ghost!” Halleluiah! Give way to the Holy Ghost! Let Him have room in your life - by speaking, and singing, and magnifying the Lord in your heart - that's how you get filled with the Holy Ghost!

I think there are people need to get saved and filled with the Holy Ghost today. I think a lot of people need to get filled with the Holy Ghost - get a lot more life in them; a lot more joy in them; and a lot more happiness in them; and a lot more wholeness in them. If you want some of that, come on out….

Thank You Holy Ghost, You're here. Are we the temple of the Holy Ghost; or not? Therefore, if I just take her hand like, then the power of God should just flow into her. Isn't that amazing?

Now are you full of the Holy Ghost? We're called to be carriers of God! Carriers of the life of God! Have we forgotten our roots? Have we forgotten where we've come from? It's like Cinderella - needs a kiss to wake her up! We need the kiss of God to wake up again, to remember who we are.

Closing Prayer

Is there any person here that needs to receive Christ, to give their life to Christ, and make the first step out of sin, and to forgiveness of sin?

We need some more people filled with joy before we finish. I wonder how many people here today not been stamped with the Spirit, marked with the Holy Ghost - speaking in tongues?

If you're here today, and you say: God, I want that, I want that stamp on me! I want to get filled with the Holy Ghost. If that's you today, just put your hand up right now, wherever you are.