Developing Intimacy with the Holy Spirit (4 of 4)

Mike Connell

Page 9 of 10
Dot, just come here a moment. Can you just stand there, just want to close your eyes - so I've just got Dot to just stand beside me. I'm just going to put my hand upon her shoulder now. I'm not going to try and pray and minister to her, but I'll just do exactly the thing that I just shared. I'll just stop, and I'll have to talk what I'm doing, so you understand what I'm doing; but the first thing is I stop. I'm no longer interested in the message and preaching, I'm just interested in connecting strongly with the Lord. I begin to still my heart, and get rid of all distractions. Everyone here, I'm just closing my eyes and shut you out. Even with Dot, I just close my eyes, and just distance myself from her for the moment; and just inside, I just begin to focus that Jesus is here, the spirit's within me. I become aware of His presence, and His love is beginning to overwhelm me. I can feel His presence now, and of course Dot will be beginning to feel His presence too. You begin to feel the presence of the Lord, and the anointing will just be sitting upon her. Someone's holding her up - just the presence of God, she becomes aware.

Now we have to learn how to connect quickly into the presence of God; and if you live a busy life, and you never stop, then when you do stop, you won't be able to stop the noise. There's just too much noise. Remember all that noise is the world yelling: we're important! You have to serve all of us! There's another voice in there, a very quiet voice called the Holy Spirit, and He's just waiting to connect with you. The world outside you will be putting a demand on you: you've got to come through, you've got to do this, you've got to get that done, you've got to - it's just demand, demand, demand, demand, demand, and inside there's one coming and saying: I love you. I've got things to show you. I want to encourage you, you're doing well. What a difference. We need to stop more often, just pause. Maybe you want to do it, just going to the park, just stop. You can be walking along, or just sitting in the park, you just become aware of the presence of God; and as you begin to practice doing that, it becomes easier and easier and easier to be in the presence of God. When you're in the presence of God, then you find you receive things from Him, to minister to others.

Lyn, quickly come, come right now. Just as I looked over to you - just stand over here - I just received something from God for you. You say: what is it? I don't know. All I know is, I got something; so I'm just going to step out now - Father, in Jesus' name I just thank You for Lyn. Well this is what I see. I just see that there's been many burdens hanging over you, and the difficulty you've had is feeling like you always have to fulfil all these burdens and pressures, and the Lord's just going to teach you in these coming months how to release things to Him, so you don't have to carry them. This goes back over years, when I just see like a yoke laid over you when you were a young man, and you felt this belief formed in your heart: I've just got to do stuff. I've got to do this, I've got to do that, I need to do this or I need to do that. If I don't do this, then things are going to fall apart, and it became a burden that has crushed you over your life.

God today, right now, in just this moment, is breaking the yoke off your life. He's breaking the yoke of loneliness and grief, and the pressure of having to do things to be accepted. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I just break that yoke now! Loose this man in Jesus' name! I break the words of expectation over your life in Jesus' name. I break the bitter expectation: you'll never be good enough. I break your agreement with the lie: I never do enough. I break that now in Jesus' name. Thank You Lord. Thank You Lord. Now see he's weeping, because the spirit of God has deeply touched his life, and that came out of me taking three minutes to stop and listen. That's the kind of life God called us to live: a stopping, listening, encountering-God life. It's not hard to do. It's not just for me, it's for every believer, to carry the presence of God.