3 R's of Sonship (2 of 4)

Mike Connell

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If you've been born into this world, you're born outside God's family. You're programmed literally to look out for yourself like an orphan. God extends an invitation through Jesus Christ, to accept that He loves you, has paid a price for your sin and failure, and He wants to welcome you into his family. It just requires a decision from you, to say yes to Jesus Christ. It tells us in the Bible to as many as received Him, made him welcome in their life, responded to Him and began to follow Him. He gave power, the authority, the right to become a child of God. That's within your decision today.

What's holding you back? Fear? Fear of a God who loves you so much, He gave everything for you? Pride? What will people think of me? Listen, God can be trusted. There is no one you know in your life, that has given their life up for you; but Jesus Christ did. Today I invite you to say yes to Jesus Christ. I invite you to receive Him into your life and heart; and if you've fallen away from Him, you've lost sight, you've been seduced away from the honor of what it means to be a child of God. Today would be a great day to return to Him.

If something's got in your heart, an offensem or some kind of issues got in your heart, today would be a great day to just bring it to the Lord and say: Lord, forgive me, I release this thing to you. Is there anyone here would just right at this point want to make that decision? I want to receive Jesus Christ? I want to become a Christian. I want to be born again.

If you're here, and you've fallen away from the Lord, and you're no longer walking with Him, why don't you say: God, I'm coming back to you today. I want to come back to Him. I want to draw back into his presence again.

If there's anyone here and you're holding things in your heart that are blocking intimacy, blocking your serving God, blocking you representing Him, why don't you say: today Lord, I want to put that right.

Let's just all stand together. And as we stand, presence of God will come, as we just worship and honor Jesus. I want to thank you for being just so attentive. There's a lot that I shared. I know that, I encourage you to get the message, go back over it and study the scriptures yourself. There's many others that could be shared that teach these things. Begin to build the truth: this is who I am. I am not some failure. I am not some broken person. I'm a child of the living God. God himself dwells in me. I am called part of his family. I am called beloved. I belong to him. I refuse to live in shame.