The Truth about Tattoos

Mike Connell

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This young man came up on an altar call. I asked him what the game was, and he told me. I asked him what role he had, and he said: I play the part of a wizard, and what I do in the game is: I cast spells on people; and I walk through the game, and the goal of it is to destroy people using magic power, to gain their powers, and to begin to grow in power, and go from level to level and level.

If you go up enough levels, you begin to gain swords and all kinds of things, and you can actually sell them on the Internet. I said: would you be willing to renounce the game, and renounce the role you played? He said: yes; and I led him through a simple prayer to renounce his agreement, his covenant, his trading with a demonic spirit operating as a sorcerer in the game. He took on the identity of that spirit.

Now as he began to renounce the game, this is what he was saying: in the name of the Lord Jesus - he began to declare: “I belong to Jesus Christ, I confess Jesus Christ is my Lord and saviour. I'm redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ from every curse, every demonic power.”

He said: “in Jesus' name I renounce this game - World of Warcraft. I renounce my role in this place” - and as he began to speak his renouncing of the game, and the particular role he played, his face contorted.

It was caught on camera - everyone saw it. Eight hundred students were stunned as they watched this guy, who's in Bible school, a committed Christian, wanting to serve the Lord - given up a year of his life to train, so he can become knowledgeable in the word of God, and walking with God.

There he is, manifesting a demonic power, the spirit of sorcery, manifested on his body. He fell on the ground, writhed around, shouted and screamed, and finally the demon came out of him - he was free. I had an altar call and we had between 200 and 300 students come up, and there was a massive move of deliverance from those young people playing that game.

When you say: what's that got to do with tattoos; very simply this. These people were fully committed Christians, a young generation, rising up to serve God; yet without even knowing it, they'd opened a gateway to an occult power. A spirit of sorcery was operating in their life, eroding, undermining, continually resisting them, and causing them problems consistently in their Christian walk. That day they were set free.

There is a whole realm of ways that demons seek to come into people. They do not announce they're coming in. They find a deceptive way, and what more appropriate way to get into people than games, see?

Another way they get in is through pre-marital sex. When you're involved in a sexual relationship with someone, you become involved in a soul tie, in a bond. It's an ungodly tie. You become connected to that person; and a gateway is opened to demons to come through to enter your life. You are connected literally to every person that that person has had involvement sexually with. When you are involved with drugs, you open your life to the realm of sorcerer.

Now think about this: When you get involved with tattooing, you're entering into blood covenant with the person who did the tattoo, and you open your life to whatever spirits he's engaged with - you allow them to come in. If you get an image of something associated with death, then a spirit of death can enter your life.

You say: how will I know that? You wouldn't know - that's the whole point! That's why I'm sharing the word of God with you tonight. You wouldn't know!