
Mike Connell

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Another thing that's in there is, there's a total reconstruction of what is evil becomes good, and what is good becomes evil. Now one of the - I haven't got time to go into any of that, but normally if we think of vampires, you think of real evil things. Suddenly you've got a story in which the vampire's a good guy. What to make of that? Now the Bible has something to make of it. It says: woe to them, in Isaiah 5, who call evil good and good evil, so woe to - in other words, there is a curse comes on people, who call things which are evil good, and call that which is good evil. Now you notice in this book they're portraying evil, someone who's a vampire, as being a good guy. It's a total distortion, that speaks of that in the books. Here's another thing you may not know that's interesting, that salvation, how you get saved is distorted.

So daddy Cullen, in the year 1640 or thereabouts, turns his son Edward, who's 17, into a vampire who lives for hundreds of years or whatever. Now here's the thing. He did this to save him, so he turned him from being human into being this cold-blooded supernatural being, and he saved him. This is what they called the experience; they called the experience New Birth. How about that? And born into the family, so he's had a New Birth, he's come into a family, and now he's part of a very special family, and they've got this thing that they all follow their father. Now you're going to get the reason for this in a moment. Another thing, if you read the book, you'll see on the first page or the cover of the book, you'll see an interesting thing, a scripture verse. It talks about eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil - though shall not eat the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden, Genesis 2:17, and it's got a picture of a woman or two hands holding out the fruit of the tree to eat. I mean you can't get a more blatant - it actually points - anyone who's got eyes to see, can see this thing ain't going to a good place.

Now when you actually look at how the whole series, you'll find that Bella longs to live forever, and what she needs to do to live forever, is let Edward put the bite on her, and then she'll die to being human, and she'll be as wise, and be as Gods, and live forever. I tell you, talk about Genesis 2:17 just being fulfilled, just in the whole theme of the story - but there's more to it than that, and I'll just finish the last bit of it, then we'll finish the emotional bit. How many are finding this a bit disturbing, this part of it? Okay, well here's the next thing is, is that the lady who wrote the book is a Mormon. [Laughter] Now you say well what's the deal about that? If anyone has read all four books you'll find, interestingly enough, that all four books, the primary action takes place in a meadow. Not only that it's a meadow up in a mountain, or Mountain Meadows.

Now you would think that doesn't mean anything. Oh, yes it all does. You find out you see, if you follow through and understand anything about the Mormon Church, and look at their history, the first thing is Mountain Meadows. Mountain Meadows was the scene in America in the 1800s, of the worst massacre of white settlers by Mormon people. There was a group of white settlers travelling through Utah to go to California, and the Mormons had been under some persecution at that time. What they did was they dressed up as Indians, and they incited the local Indians, they attacked this particular wagon train, and the wagon train circled. They had it under attack for four days, and after the four days the Mormons dressed themselves up and came and said listen, we've got a way out of here. If you just lay down all your guns, and you walk away and leave all your stuff, we'll protect you, we've got a deal with the Indians, and you'll be safe. So they all agreed to do it. They laid down their guns, they left all their things, they walked out each one accompanied by a Mormon, who was supposedly guarding them against the Indians.