Dealing with Put-Downs (4 of 12)

Mike Connell

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So Jesus said, the words I speak, they are spirit. So words can release a spiritual atmosphere. Words have a spiritual power in them, so words can shift an atmosphere. So angry words, for some reason, the whole atmosphere changes, becomes incredibly tense, because demons are activated into that atmosphere. When we begin to, like for example when we come in here, then we will begin to actually speak words and then sing words, and as we sing words, the atmosphere shifts and changes, see? Now you were watching something, and you were hearing something. If I had no sound on, you wouldn't have had much happen in here, but when you saw and heard, it started to affect you, and the same anointing that was in that video started to touch us here. If we had no sound on, you wouldn't have felt a thing. Words, words carry a spirit substance, a spirit content, and so when people speak to you, there's not just the words they utter with their mouth, but what is in their spirit flows with the words, and what you're left with, is the impression that your spirit was touched by.

So for example, if someone comes to you and they've got an offence with someone, no matter how nice they are, you'll feel the offence, and if you've got something in your own heart, their words will stir it up, and before you know it you're talking and running someone down together. If someone's a carrier of gossip - gossip we talked about was one of the misuses of the tongue, while we're speaking about someone, talking about them in a negative way, revealing their secrets, revealing their heart. When you begin to start to gossip, if gossip is in your heart, then someone starts gossiping, it'll stir the thing to come up in you, and before you know it, now the two of you are in agreement. Now there's a whole new dynamic of this gossip. It starts to infect. We talked about the different slander. Slander is where you talk about some person's life, and you run them down. The intent of slander is to run down their reputation or misrepresent them, so when we begin to speak and run people down behind their back, what we do then is we release something into the atmosphere.

The Bible says one of the words for the word devil is the word slanderer. Anytime you're running someone down, you have taken the devil's side. You are releasing hell into earth. You are violating your very cause that God raised you in the earth for, and you cannot gossip or slander against someone without wounding yourself. You cannot, because you're malfunctioning. You're functioning against your purpose. We were raised up by God to bring heaven into the earth through our words, our faith, our believing, our actions, our speaking, and so when we begin to slander, run people down, we are now releasing hell into the earth. That's why in James 3, it says the tongue is set on fire by hell. How does hell manifest? Mostly with words. Words start fights. Words start wars. Words break up relationships. Words build, words create. There's all these things that words can do, death and life in the power of the tongue.

So words have a huge effect. Deuteronomy 1, Verse 28, it says that Moses or Caleb was talking, and he says something like this. He says our brethren discouraged us, or made our heart to melt with their words, so when the twelve spies went into the land, two came back and said we can do it. God is with us, we can do it. This is bread for us. We're going to grow. The others came back and said, it's too hard, we can't do it, we're going to perish. So what happened? The 10 spies infected the whole nation - negativity infects people. It's so easy to take it on-board. It just spreads like a disease, and yet when we speak positive words, we can stand up and make a difference.

Now last week I shared with you some manifestations of diseases of the tongue, and one of them was lying, the other one was gossip and slander. Today I want to pick up another one and I started out, and I had the series all worked out, but it's changing on the way, so this one I want to share on is I want to speak about put downs. Put downs - that's a very Kiwi thing, put downs. So I'm going to talk to you a little bit about it, and share with you some scripture. I want to share with you some insight on it that may surprise you, and I want us to become sensitive in our conscience and in our heart to any kind of words we use, or things we do that put people down, because we are moving to build people up. We're called to create. That's why you come into a prophetic seminar, you're going to get words that will lift and build people, and so we have to recognise the other.