Creative Power of the Tongue (12 of 12)

Mike Connell

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In Psalm 47, Verse 1, it says clap your hands, a few people who feel like it, who are charismatic, and like that kind of thing, and go to a Pentecostal Church. [Laughter] It doesn't say that does it? It says clap your hands, all you people, shout to God with the voice of triumph! [Applause] I hear over here, but I don't hear much over there, come on! You've got to learn to do something! Make your body move. Take dominion over your body, which is very lazy, and wants to not do anything, and you'll find that you can begin now - you're not necessarily going to go around clapping everywhere you go, but there are times in your personal life, and times in your body, you've got to learn to take dominion. One of the ways of taking dominion, is to make your body do what it doesn't want to do, so strong clapping, strong clapping, move your body, move your body... When we're worshipping the Lord, move your body, because what happens is, you know, have you ever seen someone who's uptight, who's uptight and they're sort of stiff. Everything's stiff. Their body just won't seem to move. I feel like sometimes grabbing it, and dance down the front and whirl.

You see what's happened is, the body is being passive. You've got to break the passivity. You don't have to jump all the time, but if you can't jump at all there's something wrong - unless you've got broken legs or something, you're in a wheelchair but that's fine. You can still - have a look at that brother over here. You can tell he's jumping! He might be in a wheelchair, but he's jumping on the inside, I can see it! See, so there's not constraint okay, so move your body, smile, dance, express yourself, especially in your times of prayer. Move your body, make your body stop being passive, see? Okay, then we begin to get vocal expression, develop stronger expressions of praise. Develop stronger vocal expression. You've got to learn to speak, and say, and do things. Now there's a few things you could do. Psalm 100, Verse 4, the Bible tells us if I want to enter into the atmosphere of God, if I want to breakthrough from the natural realm into the realm of the spirit, very simple, it's right in front of me - heaven's not a long way off. All I've got to do is just do what God says to do, and He says I will enter into His gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His courts with praise. I know what to do - thank Him, and praise Him.

So if I will just give myself to thanking and praising, then I can open heaven, and once you've learned to do it, it opens up very easily, very quickly. So here's some things you can do. Develop strong vocal expression, strong speaking in tongues [Speaks in tongues 00.44.58] Let it rise up from your spirit until it's got some energy and life in it. You say oh, I'm not like that. Oh, you agree with that old passivity, oh, too bad. Everything in life's going to walk over you. Change! Just change. Of course it feels awkward. How many people ever had the thought I'd like to get fit? Especially right now - like to lose weight then. Ha ha! There you go. Okay, we got that, 90 per cent here, okay then. But you know there's going to be pain. [Laughter] There will be pain before you get fit. You go run around the block once and that's fine. The next day you're starting to feel a bit wary. The next day you're aching. The day after it's all over. [Laughter] You're back in bed again, being very passive. Your body won the day. You have to make decisions and follow them through, so learn to speak strongly in tongues, learn to praise God, use the word of God. Take the Psalms and read them aloud, read them with feeling, thank the Lord. Thank the Lord - I will magnify the Lord with thanksgiving, so I can open up the world around me, the spiritual atmosphere of God, and connect with heaven by speaking in tongues, by praising the Lord, by thanking Him, by gratitude, those kinds of things, see?

Declare the word of God over your life. Start to speak what God says over your life. As you speak it over your life, you find everything begins to shift, the whole atmosphere changes. You've got to do it long enough, and strongly enough, and consistently enough, until you feel and get the breakthrough. Then it's easier to maintain until you have see, so I watch people in services, and I don't mean any disrespect, because I can remember myself sitting in a service with all these people doing hoot and Hannah and jumping up and down and stuff, and I just thought what is this! Then they want us to raise the hands - no, they couldn't get past the waist. They literally couldn't. They were frozen when it came to praising God. They were frozen at this height. What was that all about? [Laughter] That was just self-consciousness. I needed to break through it. You can't, because you're laughing at it, not like that, but actually I was like that. I was worse than that. I very much worse than that - but I changed, and you can change. It's possible to change, but you've got to make a decision, take responsibility for your spiritual atmosphere, deal with your inner world, then begin to start developing strong expressions with your body because that's - you notice in a football match, you have a look there how they create an atmosphere. They don't sit - [Spoken in monotone 00.47.29] well that was a jolly good run wasn't it. That was not bad. [Laughter] Good run wasn't it? They don't create an atmosphere that way do they? They're strong, whole hearted expressions, and that creates the atmosphere - coming from the inner man, full of enthusiasm, just everything given into it.