Who is Your Slave Driver

Shane Willard

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You're serving a God who's not just interested in you going to heaven one day; He's interested in bringing heaven to your hell today. He's not just interested in you spending eternity with Him; He's interested in spending your life with you.

There's a river called Pishon, and it's flowing through the whole land of Havilah for your life; that whatever in your life is causing you suffering, whatever slave driver is causing you pain, hope can flow through suffering. Salvation is here.

I love that song: I know my God saves the day, and I know His word never fails, and I know my God makes a way for me, because salvation is here. I bless you today to know that hope; there is still blood in the water, and you and I can live slave-driver free.

Closing Prayer

I wonder if we could just do some business with God right now, and just be honest, because it's just between you and God.

1) What is your slave driver? Is it rejection, anger, bitterness, rage, malice, slander, filthy language? Is it a tendency to go back to the same thing? What's your slave driver?

2) Have you cried out to God because of it; or have you hidden it?

Just admit to God, and own whatever your slave driver is. Lord, I struggle with this, and it rules my life sometimes. Please help me. Just go and tell Him again. You'll feel better - get it off your chest, you just feel better. Say: Lord, I struggle with rejection and worry; sometimes worry just rules my life, it rules my thoughts at night. Oh, you'll just feel better.

3) Are you saved in the sense of your going to heaven, but you still go back to your slave driver?

If heaven and hell isn't the issue, is Jesus still worth following? Of course He's still worth following, because He has the best way of life. If you could go to heaven without Jesus - you can't, but if you could - He'd still have the best way of life. Where does salvation need to come to your house today?