The Blood of Jesus (4 of 4)

Mike Connell

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Oh, there's so many of us responding today. I know we're going a little bit longer than we expected but friend, this is a God moment. This is a time to meet with Him today, to let the power of Almighty God, the power of the blood break this thing in your life once and for all.

Now this is what I want us to do right now. Have your eyes closed and for just a few moments talk to the Lord about this iniquity. What is this thing, this twist inside you that so disturbs you, you so hate it? Has it been in your father? Has it been in your mother? Has it been in your family line, that crookedness? Is it in other members of your family? It doesn't need to remain in you because you're a born again believer, but you need to hold the blood of Jesus Christ against that iniquity, assert the victory of Calvary over it by believing in what Jesus has done.

I'm going to lead you in a prayer and I want you to not just be waiting for someone to do something to you, but I want you to rise in your heart; this blood was for you. It was shed for your iniquity. It was shed to set you free. When Jesus went to the cross, He carried that iniquity. You don't have to carry it any more - so you've just got to bring it. You've got to speak it out. Maybe it is idolatry, freemasonry. Maybe the thing you're struggling with is anger, there may be violence and murder in your family lines you don't really know. If the issues you're struggling with are fears and pride and rebellion and anxiety and those kinds of things, probably there's been idolatry in your family somewhere. If you're struggling with lusts of all kinds, addictions of all kinds, probably there's been sexual sin in your family background - so we'll just come to the cross with it right now.

I want you to follow me in this prayer:

Father, I come to you in Jesus' name. I believe Jesus carried my iniquity, and the blood of Jesus cleanses me from all iniquity. Lord, I confess my iniquity now. I confess the iniquity of my family, that we have carried for generations and I'll bring it to the cross. I bring it to the cross. I hold the cross of Jesus between me and my family line. I hold the blood of Jesus against that iniquity. I refuse its power! I am dead to that iniquity. Now Lord I ask you to set me free from every oppressing spirit that has used that iniquity to hold me in bondage. Thank you Jesus for setting me free. Halleluiah! Okay, Halleluiah! Halleluiah! Praise the Lord. Okay then, thank you Jesus. Come on, just keep worshipping Him - thank you Lord, thank you Lord. Father I thank you for the mighty power of the blood of Jesus.