The Blood of Jesus (4 of 4)

Mike Connell

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Father, we thank you for the blood that was shed for us, for the love that you have for us and your willingness to help us. Is there any person here today who's never given their life yet to Christ? You're without God in this world, tossed and turned and struggling with issues in your heart that you have no power to deal with. They're called sin. Jesus died on the cross shedding His life for you, so you could be free of sin, but for that to take place you have to take a step, to acknowledge I have these issues in my heart called sin. I'm walking my own way without God. I'm full of iniquity, but Jesus, I believe You died for me and I'm coming to You to receive Your forgiveness; to become a child of God, to have a whole new start, the power of sin broken in me. Lord, I'm coming to you.

Is there anyone here today, just while our eyes are closed and heads are bowed, you're not yet a Christian, but right now God has been speaking to you, and you want to come to Christ? Would you raise your hand right now and let me know? Raise your hand right now. Is there any person here today needing to come to Jesus Christ, raise your hand. Put it up. Put it up. Make a decision today, I'm going to receive Jesus Christ. Maybe others here today and you're not walking near Him, you have issues in your heart that have choked Him out. You know that you're not walking with Him but you say today Jesus, I'm coming to you. Would you raise your hand? People here today, raise your hand. God bless, God bless, God bless.

I wonder while I was speaking about the issue of iniquity and crookedness, and as you've thought about that you realised there's things in my life have been in my family line - perhaps it's anger, could be pride, could be fear, could be lust. There's so many things it could be. If you're wrestling with something, it's like a fire that goes on inside you you can't resolve, would you dare to believe that Jesus could break the power of that iniquity? God laid on Him the iniquity of us all. You don't need to carry it any more. It's just a deception of the devil to keep you in bondage.

Here's what I'd like you to do right now. If you're carrying issues that go back right into your family, generational issues, things that have gone from father to son, mother to daughter, come down through the family line. You've got issues that you've wrestled with inside and you're willing to believe today - you'll dare to believe that what Jesus did is enough to break its power. I'd like you to get out of your seat and come down to the front, begin to start to speak in your heart to the Lord, bring words to Him, talk to Him and tell Him Lord, I want to be free today. I want to be free of this thing today. I hear you talking to me. Lord, the last few weeks you've been talking to me, but today there's something in my heart I need to get out. I need to let go of this iniquity, this crookedness, this twist inside me that drives me. I hate it. I don't want it to be there and Lord, today having heard the word of God I have faith to believe I could be set free by the power of Almighty God.

I could be set free from my iniquity. I could be set free from tormenting spirits that use my iniquity to drive me into actions I don't want to do, that I feel ashamed of doing. Come on, there's others here today. Let's come and let's our hands to Jesus Christ. I'll lead you in a prayer and then as you worship the Lord we're going to come and break the power of this thing over your life. We're going to believe that God will come upon you, the power of the cross and the blood will set you free today.