Receiving Legacy (2 of 4)

Mike Connell

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You have to make decisions on that; so I value and honour each of these men. Even though some of them failed in different ways, every one of them added something to my life; and every one of them paid a price for what they had - and I am grateful to them, and honour them, and honour what they have done - what they've put into my life. I maintain a place of honour; not focussing on the failures, but rather focussing on what I see they gave into my life, which has been of immense value to me - which they purchased at a price.

The keys to receive are all heart attitudes.

When Jesus came to His home town, there was no anointing released to do any miracles - the most anointed person, that ever was on this earth, was unable to do miracles (Mark 6:4), because of the heart attitude that the people had to Him.

No matter what person God brings into your life, how you deal with the relationship with that person is crucial for whether you receive anything or not.

God is going to bring people into your life, to help you accomplish what He called you to do. In order for that to happen, you have to choose how you relate to the people God has brought into your life; and the way you relate determines how much you receive.

These are the things that I did, that helped me receive; and I walked away from every one of these ministries, and I received something that affected my life, and it became a legacy to pass on to other people; so I want to share them with you.

1) Honour and Respect people: honour is something you choose to give to someone; respect is an attitude of approaching someone, where you see that person is of value to you, value in your life.

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 – “I urge you, brethren, to recognise those who labour among you, who are over you in the Lord and admonish you; to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. Be at peace among yourselves.”

The attitude that you have towards people will determine what you receive from them. Whatever you disrespect will move away from you.

If you disrespect money, then money will move away from you - poverty will come. If you disrespect people, the relationship will deteriorate. Whether you do it intentionally or unintentionally, disrespect for people shuts down their contribution to your life, stops them giving to you; there's a decrease in relationship, and you can't receive the benefit of that person God put in your life.

Respect or honour is always going to attract people to your life; so each of the men there that I have mentioned to you, I honour them to this day; and I show the honour and respect in different ways, even though I haven't been under Clark's ministry for many, many years - ever since he fell. I've not been under his ministry; nevertheless, after he was restored, we were the first church in New Zealand to receive him back in, and to receive his ministry.

I had an opportunity for the whole breach to be put right. Last year when I was speaking at a conference, he was there - so I publically honoured him, and sowed finance into him - because I respect what he put into my life.

This is a principle of the kingdom. Honour and respect - it's a choice that begins in the heart.

2) Welcome feedback and correction. Welcome the person to input to your life.

1 Thessalonians 5:12 – “we urge you to recognise those who labour among you, and who admonish you”.

God brings people to your life to help you; but also to warn you, or to speak in your life when you're not going right. They can't do that, unless they have relationship with you, or connection with you

Proverbs 15:32 – “The person who refuses correction despises their own soul”.

When people have very low esteem, it's very difficult to correct them; because the moment you try to talk to them about behaviour, they take it as an attack on them personally - and react.

People who are like that cannot prosper, because the feedback they need in their life to help them - they've shut it down by pride, and angry reactions. You need to ask yourself then: do I welcome any kind of correction into my life? Do I make it easy; or do I become defensive?