Receiving Legacy (2 of 4)

Mike Connell

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The question is, whether you intentionally are making it your purpose to receive what you need for your life, and your call, and your ministry; and to outwork it in your life, so you have something to give.

I am where I am today because of these great men of God who loved me, imparted to my life, who I connected. Where there was a personal relationship, they imparted something to me that changed my life.

I encourage you to consider who, around you, God has put in your life, which you could draw from. Here we have many gifted people who can add something to your life. They won't add everything you need; they will add something you need.

Your responsibility is to look for them, connect with them, build the relationship, and honour them; and by questioning, draw out what God has put in them, that can help you move forward.

Closing Prayer

Father, we just thank You for the great price You paid, that each of us would come into an inheritance. Help us Lord to value the people that You've placed in our lives.

As I've preached and spoken, is there someone that imparted to your life, that God is speaking to you to appreciate them, to thank them for what they did? To express the appreciation for what they put in your life?

It's no use holding gratitude in your heart - it needs to be expressed. When you express it, you actually show value that you place on what that person gave.

Is there someone in your life that you've become offended with, and drawn back from, that you need to deal with that quickly? It doesn't matter who's right or wrong; what matters is the relationship is kept open, so you can receive.

Is there someone in your life that is (or has been) in leadership around you, and you need to place a boundary because what you see is flowing from that person's life would hurt you, hurt your life, and your call in God?

Politely and respectfully set the boundary, so you protect what God has put in your life. That can happen in a family, it can happen in a marriage, it can happen in a ministry, it can happen in the workplace. We need to be responsible to protect our heart and our future.

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you right now? Are there people that you need to draw to, that would help you go forward in your life? Make the decision, take the initiative. Who are those people; and what initiative will you take?

Sometimes people just can't invest the time you'd like, but just over a cup of coffee... When I came to Clark, the first thing I ever had was a cup of coffee with him. I took him out for a meal, when no one else was available. It was answer to a prayer, and I sat down and I just said: God, I want to draw from this man, and the faith he has, and the anointing he has. Let me use this time well.

I've done that with a number of people, sat down and had a meal or a coffee with them, and asked them questions that helped me. I went away, wrote it down, kept notes, tried to put it into practice in my life. Some I got it from a CD. I just listened to the CD until I caught the spirit and the heart of this man, and then my life changed.

Every one of you is leaving a legacy. You just decide what it is you'll leave - a legacy of offences; broken promises; things that you quit on - or a legacy of standing firm in God, walking before the Lord honourably with Him, and influencing your family, your relations, your people around you for the kingdom of God.

Father, I just thank You for this moment right now. Father, I pray everyone here would in this coming year come to a whole new level in You, new relationships form, new connections form, existing ones strengthened and valued and Lord, a release of anointing, in Jesus' mighty name.