Receiving Legacy (2 of 4)

Mike Connell

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Most people don't mind responding to questions; they're glad someone enquired, and you learn.

5) You have to apply the things that you're learning. If you don't apply what you're learning, you don't really learn anything at all. You're no different than a person who didn't hear it at all.

You can be in meetings, and hear words of God preached, all kinds of revelations are preached - but if you don't do anything, it's just the same as if you weren't there at all - never heard it.

James 1:22 – “Be doers of the word, and not just hearers, deceiving yourselves”.

You've got to put it into practice. From a Hebrew perspective, you only know what you're doing; so if you learn how to hear the voice of God, you haven't really learned it until you're doing it - regularly. If you've learned how to prophesy, then you haven't really learned it, unless you're doing it and operating and moving in it. If you've stopped moving in it, then you need to go and relearn it, and get back into it again. Doing the word!

6) The area of serving. I notice that in the Bible, the major occasions where the Bible records a massive impartation and legacy left to someone - the person served.

Joshua received a great legacy from Moses, but it says that Joshua was the servant of Moses. He ministered to him, and served. He was in a serving role, until his time came to enter into his own ministry.

Elisha poured water over the hands of Elijah - meaning he served and he ministered. Serving is the way that you grow into ministry – serving.

Luke 16:12 - If you've not been faithful, in that which is another man's, who will give you your own?

Timothy served Paul; and Paul was able to write it, to say about Timothy: I don't know anyone who would care for you, like I've cared for you, he does - because everyone else (most of the other people) - they want to use you for some purpose; but he said: I know this boy. He's got my heart, and he'll love you like I've loved you.

You don't get that out of a book. You get that out of relationship, and connecting and catching the heart of a person. You can't catch the heart of a person fully in a meeting, where you hear them preaching or ministering, or you're listening to something. You've actually got to connect, and watch, and interact - it's caught, not taught.

The way that we leave legacy to others, is what we share of our life with them, and impart to them. Serving and helping them succeed, without an agenda.

The ones I’ve learnt the most from, served me with no agenda. The ones who had agendas – I seldom learnt anything. Their motive was just to get ahead, rather than their being to learn and honour. You can't get violate the principles of God.

7) You have to deal with the humanity of leaders, or people who you're drawing from. You have to be able to deal in love and truth.

This is the challenge, because God uses imperfect people. With Moses, we think: great man of God. Actually, he blew it so badly with his anger, which he never resolved, that he didn't even get in the Promised Land. Moses - but God has made him a hero of faith, so God can still manage people who are imperfect and use them.

That was a hard thing for me to understand, because I thought when I met someone who's a great man of God, and I saw God working through them - they were almost like they were Jesus Himself - until I got close. Relationship enables you to get close, you suddenly go: oh wow, I don't like that! Whoa! You know? You start to see the imperfections or the humanity of people, and it can create a problem.

David, was a great man of faith (Jesus was the ‘Son of David’), yet David committed adultery, he had a problem with lust, he didn't manage his household well, all kinds of issues. But God calls him a hero of faith.

Paul was a very hard man, and so hard on young Timothy, that Timothy fled, saying: I can't handle it - it's too hard working in your team. Paul said: we're getting rid of that boy, because he's a wimp, and he doesn't handle the tough times. I wouldn't have liked being in Paul's tough times either - he got beaten and whipped, and all kinds of things would happen to him.